How The Paras World School India Helps a Struggling Student?

The Paras World School India
4 min readJul 2, 2021


Although you may be understanding of your child’s struggling nature, you cannot afford its consequences to settle in. Neither can you let your child be and see him/her struggle as it may soon become demotivating and taxing. Of course, the teachers of the best CBSE school in Gurgaon like The Paras World School India, will step in to help your child in their own ways, but you can offer your equal assistance at home as well to enable the student to see through the struggling phase. As parents, you really do not have to apply the technical aspects of learning to guide your struggling child. More often than not, helping him/her to plan the lessons or a few encouraging words can be enough. Here are 6 effective ways for you.

  1. Identify the student’s strength

During the struggling phase, it is crucial to help the child to identify his/her strength and play to that. If the student is an auditory learner and listening comes naturally to him/her, you can talk with your child’s teacher and plan all his/her lessons in an auditory format for the time being. Make the student learn over videos. Allow him/her to listen to audiobooks. When he/she starts learning to her strengths and absorbs the lessons better, her motivation will come back and she might spread the new-found enthusiasm into other areas.

  1. Break up his/her lessons

It is pointless to push a struggling student to work harder. In fact, your strategy must be the exact opposite where you should encourage your child to take it easy. Such a student will have to exert extra effort to consume a lesson and that will demand some energy on the student’s side. He/she will soon burn up his/her capacity to concentrate and struggle further when pushed. Instead, plan your child’s lessons in small chunks. Give him/her a short break in between two study sessions. Soon enough, the student shall have his/her flow back.

  1. Help him/her learn through her senses

The top ten play schools in Gurgaon like The Paras World School India applies the multisensory approach to learning wherein the same topic is taught by employing the various senses of the students. The teachers use the blackboard to teach adding 2 and 2 by involving the visual and auditory senses of the students. Then, the same addition is performed using apples or balls to evoke learning by touch and feel. You can bring in the same approach in your home as well where you can teach on a topic using various modes so that all your child’s senses are involved.

  1. Take help of common rules

We had all made up simple acronyms or songs to remember complicated rules and used them whenever necessary. Even using our fingers and their creases to count are effective ways to bypass the struggle of calculating mentally. Teach your child such rules and encourage him/her to employ them whenever possible. Take help from his/her teacher or search the internet to learn new ones. The motive here is to make learning simple for your struggling child which is otherwise a daunting affair for him/her.

  1. Continuously review progress

There are two main reasons why you must continuously review your struggling child’s overall progress. One, to understand whether you applied techniques are working or not or should they need any modification. And two, to show your child that he/she is gradually improving that is going to work as the student’s appreciation. During the initial phases, review your child’s progress almost daily. You can relax the frequency as time moves forward and your child responds. Review and feedback must work in tandem at every step.

  1. Mellow down the criticisms

As any top school in the list of CBSE schools in Gurgaon will tell you, assisting a struggling child requires a massive amount of patience. With degraded confidence, your child will be prone to making mistakes. He/she may also not fair well after all that hard work and your coaching. You must take caution in expressing your feelings to such a child and try your best to be encouraging. Use the good-bad-good rule to talk to your child where criticism is sandwiched between two compliments. In every way, be patient with your child.

The Paras World School India keeps always keeps its doors open for parents to counsel with teachers and help their struggling children. Along with the faculty, you can also tap into the supreme expertise of TPWSI’s mentor, Ms. Paramjit K. Narang, to design and modify your role in tutoring your child at home. Every student is unique. Their abilities seldom match. With an effective partnership with your child’s school, you can assure that the word struggling see itself out from your child’s academic life pretty soon.

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